你好! Hey There!

Meet the face behind the designs 👧🏻

A bit about myself

I'm Megan Lo 羅羽瑄 (she/they), a multidisciplinary product designer based in Vancouver.👩🏻‍💻 Having grown up outside Canada, I bring a unique perspective to the table. I've got a big heart for design and an even bigger one for my home, Taiwan.🇹🇼

My design philosophy

Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of my approach to design and collaboration. My goal in every team is to ensure all voices are heard and valued.🥳 Balancing self-directed work and teamwork is a skill I've honed throughout my academic journey. I believe in the power of empathy in design. While many designers claim to be problem solvers, I see myself as a heart connector.💌 I feel the users' joys and pains, not just observe them. My mission goes beyond functionality; it's about creating connections that turn users into fans.💡

Off the screen

When I'm not designing, I find comfort in a bowl of soup. It's my culinary muse, and my mom happens to make the best.🍲 Beyond design, I am an avid traveller, eager to explore the vast world around us.🌍 My interests are as diverse as the creative projects I undertake.

Thanks for stopping by! If you made it all the way to the end, it’s nice to meet you.🌟🖥️


Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
Capilano University IDEA School of Design


Inevi — Retirement Planning for Youth
2023 RGD Student Awards
for Social Good Design Honourable Mention

2023 Jim Rimmer Scholarship Awards Honourable Mention
(in collaboration with Natasha Lee, Vylan Tran, Tina Ganguly,
and Quoc Huy Anh (Alex) Nguyen.)

2022 CityStudio North Vancouver HUBBUB #6 1st Place

Dean’s list x6
Merit list x3